RUnit 0.4.33 (2024-02-22)
- checkEqualsNumeric functions when given two one-column data.frames
RUnit 0.4.32 (2018-05-18)
- runTestSuite and runTestFile takes additional gcBeforeTest parameter
(default FALSE). This disables running garbage collector before timing
the test.
This setting speeds up the test suite
at the cost of making individual test timing less reliable.
When trying to optimize tests for speed, set gcBeforeTest to TRUE for
more reliable timing information.
- added .Rinstignore to cut down on warnings when building the package
- removed Biobase specific tests, replaced with direct S4 class creation
- fixed CRAN URLs in
RUnit 0.4.31 (2015-11-06)
- checkEquals and others output optional message on separate line
RUnit 0.4.30 (2015-10-14)
- printJUnitProtocol added for JUnit-style output
RUnit 0.4.29 (2015-08-11)
- changed maintainer to Roman Zenka
- .testLogger global variable now stored in package environment RUnitEnv
- added imports of graphics package to NAMESPACE
RUnit 0.4.26 (2010-09-16)
- isValidTestSuite: fixed insufficient if expression handling, reported by Rich Calaway;
extended validity checks
RUnit 0.4.25 (2009-12-06)
- enable redirection of error and log messages to file, controlled via new
global option 'outfile', (following a suggestion by Seth Falcon)
RUnit 0.4.24
- added RUnit specific options 'verbose' and 'silent' to global options list
to allow control of test log output
- moved unit tests from tests/ to inst/unitTests
- added Makefile for executing unit tests (using R wiki example)
RUnit 0.4.23
- vignette: fixed function name in example code, reported by Blair Christian
- init .testLogger to avoid R CMD check NOTE messages
- allow verbosity of console output log to be controlled: added 'verbose' argument
to runTestFile and runTestSuite (following a suggestion by Seth Falcon)
- test logger object declared as S3 class 'TestLogger'
RUnit 0.4.22 (2009-04-24)
- clarified applicable license: GPL 2
- defineTestSuite: gained some argument checks
- isValidTestSuite: check for empty name
- includeTracker: fix '<- if' handling
RUnit 0.4.21 (2009-01-15)
- documentation issues corrected, identified by new R 2.9.0 devel Rd parser
RUnit 0.4.20 (2008-11-07)
- test protocol generation on Mac OS X failed due to incorrect code to identify
'gcc' version
- Rd documentation updated
RUnit 0.4.19 (2008-06-19)
- test protocol now states check number per test case
- changed check for object class to is() to allow derived class objects to pass
(suggested by Philippe Grosjean)
- removed start up message
RUnit 0.4.18
- seq_along introduced instead of seq( ) for efficiency and R version dependency set to
2.4.0 when seq_along was introduced
- some small changes to avoid warnings with options(warnPartialMatchArgs=TRUE)
RUnit 0.4.17 (2007-05-21)
- corrected documentation example code
RUnit 0.4.16
- changed the environment test code files are evaluated, now
a new environment outside the RUnit namespace is utilized,
allowing e.g. setClass calls without specifying where=.GlobalEnv
- updated documentation to use encoding latin1
- use LazyLoad: yes instead of SaveImage:yes (to be deprecated for R 2.6.0)
- internal error handler rewritten to be more failure robust
- added new test cases for .setUp and .tearDown, extended tests
to cover S4 class and method behaviour in check* functions
- example on S4 virtual class testing added
- utility function to compare to RUnitTestResult objects added:
concept idea for comparing and optimizing test suite
performance (share/R/checkCode.r)
RUnit 0.4.15 (2007-03-20)
- compatibility to R 1.9.0 as declared in DESCRIPTION: removed calls to isTRUE
as this was introduced only in R 2.1.0, replaced where needed by identical(TRUE, x)
- fixed printHTMLProtocol: on Windows Makeconf does not exist so
CC compiler used by R cannot be queried this way (reported by
Tobias Verbeke)
RUnit 0.4.14 (2006-08-21)
- stated all package dependencies in DESCRIPTION, required for R
2.4.0 compatibility
RUnit 0.4.13
- allow the RNG to be set by the user via new arguments 'rngKind' and
'rngNormalKind' to functions defineTestSuite and runTestFile (patch by Seth Falcon)
- fixed exit status: RNG kind was left changed after runTestSuite execution in
user workspace
- email contact address modified
RUnit 0.4.12 (2006-08-01)
- allow *.R test case file extension (suggested by Gregor Gorjanc)
- fixed code typo in example vignette (spotted by Gregor Gorjanc)
RUnit 0.4.11 (2006-04-04)
- checkException: argument silent added to allow to suppress
error messages emitted by the failing function
- inspect: added argument track, which _has_ to be provided
at each invocation to avoid recursive default argument
reference call errors (experimental: subject to change if this
leads to new incompatibilities)
RUnit 0.4.9
- checkEquals has new compatibility argument checkNames
RUnit 0.4.8
- checkIdentical added, to allow to check for exact identity
RUnit 0.4.7 (2006-01-09)
- update for checkEqualsNumeric to be compatible with R 2.3.0
RUnit 0.4.5
- improvements to error detection in runTestSuite
RUnit 0.4.4 (2005-09-29)
RUnit 0.4.2
- checkTrue: corrected handling of named logical arguments
RUnit 0.4.1
- printHTMLProtocol has new parameter 'testFileToLinkMap'
to allow to provide a function to add dynamically generated
URLs for each test case file, e.g. for use with CVSweb
RUnit 0.4.0 (2004-09-30)
- New 'error' category DEACTIVATED introduced: If the function
DEACTIVATED is inserted into a test function the function
stops at that point and is reported as deactivated in the test
- New function 'getErrors' which takes a list of type
'RUnitTestData' and returns some very basic error information
of a test run.
- The name of the currently executed test function is written to
standard out.
- 'printHTMLProtocol' fixed such that it does not produce a
warning anymore.
- Dependency on package 'splines' removed.
- Various small fixes of the documentation.